

In working on this projects, I have had numerous false starts. Sometimes, my voracious appetite for drama overcomes me and I get a little carried away with creating various narrative threads that do what threads do: get tangled. I’m learning to whittle away the extraneous factors in my story about my powerful sleep device so […]


Las Colas de Fairy Tales

Here’s a note on why I titled this blog post “Las Colas de Fairy Tales.” Tails get twisted, they can ensnare, right? Additionally, all of my life I have heard this Sicilian proverb when encountered with the difficulties of ending an endeavor, a project, etc…”A cuda (the tail) e forte a sciuppare,” which translates to…the […]

Blog 11: Story Treatment

Night_Mar: Story Treatment

I’ve visited the insomniac theater more than I care to admit. The small, creeping hours of the night have left me restless and confused. It is such a strange time to be awake…the middle of the night. When I had an alarm clock with ambulance-red digital numbers, I used to often stare at the moving […]

Blog 10: Data Detox

Nervous Wrecktitude: Data Detox

I used to feel superior because I turned my location services off. I am not cool. I’m an offender. I don’t lock my Android phone. My iPad password is woefully inadequate, so is my password to enter my Mac laptop. What is wrong with me? Data Detox Privacy and Security smacked me awake with a […]

Pastel Hell: Nosedive and SurveilMe

The bleak dystopia of this video doesn’t come until the end when P!nk sings about her family portrait, where her family looked “pretty happy and pretty normal.” She wishes that they “could go back to that,” but of course it’s a lie. The portrait was a lie. This is something that I don’t think people […]

Blog 9: Blaxites

12:23 Intensity: Blaxites

I watched this film (12:23) three times. There is so much in such a short period of time, it is packed with intensity! With regards to students’ lives, the piece is particularly poignant. I see students and friends glued to their phones. I tend to lose misplace mine, often forgetting to turn off the silent […]

Blog 7: Frames

Shut the Screen Door, Get off the Phone and Snow Cleanup

Wellness & OER Hello everyone. I first want to take a moment express my deepest wishes of health and wellness for each and every one of you. Salute, pace e gioia (health, peace and joy). Many of us have openly dialogued about this. It is ok to not be ok. You should not feel bad […]

Blog 7: Frames

Frames and Positive Affirmations

The movie short, Frames was a tense watch ( I did not expect to feel so many conflicting emotions at the same time. In accordance with this video representation, facial recognition tracks and profiles individuals but does it really see into their souls? No. It simply cannot. I felt so much for the anguished woman […]

Blog 6: Surveillance Capitalism

House Party Punch: Evaluating Surveillance Capitalism

Everyone who knows me understands that I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but my reference to house party punch is still relevant (I will get there). My reading of the first two chapter of the The Age of Surveillance Capitalism; The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power […]

Blog 5: Algorithms

Pass the Tylenol: Reconciling Google, Algos and Face Tech

My short title for this blog is “Pass the Tylenol” and my inclusion of this 1977 advertisement is deliberate. The issues that we are examining are thorny ones; there are no quick fixes or easy answers. It’s enough to make your head spin off of its axis, but I think we need to be intentionally […]