Blog 4: Filter Bubbles

Some thoughts on “Automated Decision Systems”

This week’s work was a little lighter on theory but no less deep on implications. From week to week now we’ve been getting into the heart of what I imagined the course would be taking a look at which is the implication of rogue systems. The article we read mentioned the “automated decision systems” I […]

Blog 4: Filter Bubbles Miscellaneous

Bursting Our Bubble: Gaining Our Attention in the Digital World

I do not like oatmeal, but I like The Oatmeal Comic, especially the comic titled “You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you.” Here is the YouTube video: (It caught my attention.) First, the cartoonist presents scientific information in a non-threatening, nonscientific way by using the form of a comic. The cartoonist starts by […]

Blog 4: Filter Bubbles

Filter Bubbles: Tune in or out, its your choice

History is always bound to repeat itself … History is always bound to repeat itself… History is always bound to repeat itself … History is always bound to repeat itself… History is always bound to repeat itself … History is always bound to repeat itself… When reading this article, this statement of History is always […]

Blog 4: Filter Bubbles

Filter Bubble Response

Eli Pariser touches on and tries to analyze a very interesting modern issue, which is the shift of news from newspapers to the internet. His idea that the user is the content today is phenomenal, but I detest how he overlooks the idea of information quality and how it limits most people from becoming the […]

Blog 4: Filter Bubbles Miscellaneous

Apologies to Kermit: Getting Unknowingly Cooked in the Filter Bubble

This video is a popular analogy to being anesthetized due to external influences to the point where we lose oxygen or in Froggie’s case, become dinner (not for me). My condolences to Kermit, you are still my #1. It shows us that we need to pay attention. We cannot be passive consumers of media or […]

Announcements Blog 4: Filter Bubbles

Seeing Ourselves and Filtering

Thanks to Medea, we had a fun (funny) and engaging tour of self-representation in the digital age, stopping to consider #selfie culture, filters, and presentation of the self in everyday digitally-facilitated life. Selfie Culture We spoke together about how selfies may capture the essence of vanity and commercialism, but how selfies may also be vehicles […]